Tonkinese Seminar - Sunday 18th August 2024,
41 Freelands Road, Oxford OX4 4BS - 11.30am to 3.30pm
Street Parking Only
All places are now filled
41 Freelands Road, Oxford OX4 4BS - 11.30am to 3.30pm
Street Parking Only
All places are now filled
Julia Craig-McFeely is kindly hosting a Tonkinese BAC Seminar again this year. Tonkinese Breeders, PJs and FJPs have been invited to come along. Please note that because of the structure of this seminar we are not able to provide a video or video link.
- A light lunch will be provided for which attendees are asked to contribute a nominal £3 per head, payable on the day. If you care to bring a drink or dish along as well it would be very welcome.
- There will be several cats in different zones to view and assess.
- There will be Full Tonkinese Judges from the BAC to answer questions (Val Anderson, Julia Craig-McFeely and Linda Vousden).
- There will be instructional discussions.
- The award winning book "Tonkinese In Colour" will be available to purchase at the Tonkinese Clubs' discount price of £8.50p.